
Sunday, 22 December 2019

Climbing from 2019 to 2020

Time to recollect and envisage our growth

Fly Girls Wellness Pride of Brent/
Fly Girls UK Sundays at Wembley Stadium

We have climbed! Be it steep hills or mountains, in taking our baby steps and keeping moving we have gone from strength to strength in the Fly Girls Community and with our collaborative partner projects in 2019. We started the year on a walking mission up and down the hills of Harrow, starting from Wembley Park and taking a detour back to Wembley Park. Led by our walk leader Priti Khatri it was a cold Sunday morning on our first-morning meeting back for the year. The objective was to get some strength training in and enjoy the local surroundings especially for the members entering the Vitality Big Half Marathon.

The Vitality Big Half Marathon was a BIG achievement for the Fly Girls beginners running group. For most of us, only 2 out of 7 had previously run a half marathon, so we anticipated a daunting task ahead. It took place on the stormiest day of the year with the violent Gareth storm, still, we battled through rain, winds, spots of sunshine and hailstone, and all got to the finish line jubilating and exhausted, job done. The collective comments were that we were proud to have done this together and because of the team members, we were motivated to keep ongoing. BBC Clip of Fly Girls walking the big half

Also in March coinciding with International Women's Month on the homefront in Wembley, we partnered with Learning through the Arts Organisation for the 100 Years of Franchise and Equality programme, where students researched the history of Suffragettes and interviewed local politicians. Click to read more about 100 Years of Equality and Women Empowerment project.

It really has been a year of climbing and aiming for goals for us as individual Fly Girls and collectively. We started hiking as a group in England's most beautiful county of Surrey at Boxhill. Outside of the group hike individuals independently hiked nationally and internationally. In line with our get active ethos, we supported each other through our walks and hikes, non-competitively. Being in nature in Surrey was literally a breath of fresh air and did wonders for our wellbeing. The Sunday Surrey hike also followed a weekend of wellbeing from the Mind-Body Balance weekend for mental health awareness week, delivered by AQ Arts, Supreme Self Training and Fly Girls Wellness at SEIDs Hub.

Members of our writing group at Fly Girls Forum and from our active walk-run group have reflected on how far they have come in 2019 and where they intend on going to improve their holistic health in 2020.
We are excited about prospects, being creative and some of our members stepping up into leadership. We are also grateful to be recognised by the London Borough of Brent for the Pride of Brent Awards and hope to make more impact in the year to come.

We want you to climb with us in 2020 and be in for a new decade, join us or collaborate with the intention for individual and community wellbeing, getting active and/or creative. There are many opportunities and possibilities wherever you are in the UK. Just send an email for further inquiries.

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